Dienstag, 14. August 2018, 18:30 Uhr

Web Engineering Meetup Düsseldorf


We are very happy to host the next Web Engineering Düsseldorf Meetup in our Digital Garden. They will do an evening with 2 talks: one about mob programming with only 1 PC per team and another one about Test scenarios with Codeception. Max. 30 minutes each.

  • Mob Programming - Or why it’s a good idea to have only one computer per team (by Lars Haßler)
  • Test scenarios with the Codeception Framework (by Rolland Golla)

Mob Programming - Or why it’s a good idea to have only one computer per team (by Lars Haßler)

Software development is hard, especially because everything can and will change as everybody has to become more agile. Problems are getting bigger and bigger for one brain to comprehend, this is why many companies are already working in a pair-programming approach. So why not turn this all the way up? This talk will be an introduction into mob programming, when to use it and how to use it correctly. Within it, Lars will talk about his experience while trying mob programming with different teams within Trusted Shops.

Lars Haßler has been a freelance developer for the last 12 years, but over the last years, he gained interest in the organizational side of the development work. He is lecturing a course on Organizational Management at Fresenius HS and helps teams and companies to improve their agility.

Test scenarios with the Codeception Framework (by Roland Golla)

Features in a PHP application need different kinds of tests to ensure that everything is running fine. With the Codeception framework, it is very easy to set up and run these test suites. In this live coding session, we will do Acceptance-, API- and PHPUnit-Tests for a Symfony application. Acceptance tests will test the real user stories with different browsers and user interactions. The frontend is the result of all technologies. So you can say that your infrastructure is working fine and also the frontend with its own multitude technology stack is running fine. This is also a way to test legacy applications and to set up a build pipeline. API tests runs fast and check if the API does the right things for different requests. You can check different scenarios and validate the output and the status codes. We will check a message form validation and the right handling from call to database. PHPUnit tests are very powerful and very important in the actual working and refactoring process. You will see how easy you can mock objects and the behavior of dependencies and how effective it is to refactor code with running unit tests. Also, this is a way to do TDD - test driven development - what will make your work more efficient.

Roland Golla is speaker and trainer for clean code and software quality in PHP projects. He has a lot of practical workshops for tool handling, codeception, and continuous integration. With his own label Never Code Alone he wants to raise the software quality in Germany. Here he is a consultant and looking for good companies with good working conditions to bring them together with good and motivated developers.


  • 18:30 - 19:00: Arrival, get a drink and socialize
  • 19:10 - 21:00: Talks
  • 21:00 - Open End: Socializing

See you in our Digital Garden!


InVision AG Speditionstraße 5 40221 Düsseldorf

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